Witness Statement Tutorial

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Examples of actions that can be developed from Brown's written Statement

If tracking what Brown did, to find gaps in preparation for face-to-face interview:

A. Actions by Brown reported by Brown

3  B went to pier L3

4 B went to Pier Super's office L4

5 B talked about jobs for the day with ? L4

8 B "took chill off his face" L5

8A B saw truck headed down pier L6

9  B saw truck stop L6

10  B saw truck backing up to big gas tank L6

11-12 B saw white smoke come from under truck L8

13 B saw (smoke?) start rolling toward him L8  

14 B (saw) big fire

15  B saw explosion L9

16  B got up L9

17  B helped some of the guys try to put out the fire L10

 18 B (saw big explosion

19  B saw "sky light up bright orange" L11

20 B thought sky was burning

22 B got up

24 B walked past injured firemen

25  B got into a car L14

B. Actions by Brown inferred from statement

1  B went to shape-up L2

6  B went from office to ? L5

7  B went from ? to lean-to doorway L5

14 B (saw ) big fire

23 B walked to car


If tracking what happened, to create EBs for INVESTIGATION CATALYST Matrix (Brown = source):

C. Actions reported by Brown

3  B went to pier L3

4  B went to Pier Super's office L4

5  B talked about jobs for the day with ? L4

8  B "took chill off his face" L5

8A  truck headed down pier L6

9  truck stopped L6

10  truck started backing up to big tank L7

11-12  white smoke came out from under truck L8

13  white smoke started rolling toward B L9

15  ? ( explosion) knocked B on can L10

16  B got up L10

17  B helped some of the guys try to put out the fire L10

18  ? exploded (giant explosion) L11

19  sky turned orange? L12

21  ? (somebody) came L12

22  ? helped B get up

25  ? (we) got into car L14

D. Actions inferred from Brown statement

1 B went to shape-up

2 ? sent B to pier

8A truck driver drove truck "down pier" L6

9 truck driver stopped truck L6

10 truck driver backed truck up to big gas tank L7

14 ? ignited (smoke)

18 ? exploded

19exploding ? lit up everything in a bright orange color

24 ? explosion hurt firemen L13

24 ? walked B past hurt firemen L13

25 ? got into car L14

26 ? (they) took B to hospital L14

27 ? stuck clothes to B L15


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