paper, first published in the July 1975 "Fire Journal" summarized the results
of a 3 year effort to develop training for hazmat responders that would produce
better results than were then being achieved. It began one day in 1972 when
Frank Brannigan, who was in charge of a fire service curriculum at Montgomery
College Maryland, expressed his consternation at the criticisms of fire service
performance by the NTSB, for which I was largely responsible. His challenge:
"If you are so damn smart, why don't you tell us how to do it better." My
response to his challenge was to agree to develop and teach a course for him,
and with the help of the students, a better program evolved. The first
description of the D.E.C.I.D.E. process concepts and approach was in the
publication "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCIES, developed for the course and
posted elsewhere.. This article was the first dissemination of the program in
the fire service media.
D.E.C.I.D.E. process seems to have withstood the test of time, having been
applied in other fields as well. Here's the original.
Hazardous Materials Emergencies
Materials Specialist
Transportation Safety Board
views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily
represent the views of the National Transportation Safety Board.
KNOWS WHAT AN EMERGENCY is: it is a set of sudden, unforeseen, and urgent
circumstances that demands immediate action. When hazardous materials (HM) are
involved, the possibility of the emergency escalating into a disaster is always
present, and the demand for action even more immediate. But what action? For
what purpose? By whom? When?
sort of response is usually mounted, either by the individuals involved or by
an emergency response team. The mounting of the response requires that discrete
decisions be made with respect to the action needed, the outcome to be
achieved, the response actions available, the methods and facilities to be
employed, the timing of the action, and numerous other factors. Because of the
nature of an HM emergency, many of these decisions are made on a
“first-time” basis, usually under duress. They involve a form of
either “adaptive behavior” or “adaptive learning” in a
situation being encountered for the first time. In these circumstances, are
there some techniques that will help the decision-maker to produce
“better” decisions than those that may have resulted in so many
injuries in the past?
paper explores such techniques. It is based primarily on the analyses of HM
emergencies in transportation that have involved injury and loss of life
attributable to the behavior of HM present. It assumes that emergencies consist
of a series of events that occur in a logical sequence. This “think
events” approach is amplified by assembling the events into an
“anatomy” of an HM emergency, and by treating the decision making
process in an “events” framework.
mount an emergency response? Answers abound. Save lives! Save the ship! Protect
the public! Prevent a disaster! It’s our duty! But there is a common
purpose, conceptually, and it can be stated simply in terms of events
sequences: to favorably influence the outcome of the events sequence that would
otherwise occur.
emergency will stabilize in time, without any emergency response effort, as the
emergency runs its natural course. However, as they run their course, emergency
events are often accompanied by injury, and this is objectionable. The purpose
of mounting an emergency response effort, therefore, is to change the events
sequence constituting the emergency before it has run its course naturally and
to minimize harm that would otherwise occur.
order to make an informed decision on whether to intervene, an attempt must be
made to predict what the natural outcome probably will be. If harm is
predicted, then intervention will have some purpose, provided the harm to the
intervenors does not exceed the harm prevented. The “gain” achieved
by reducing the naturally occurring harm should not exceed the
“cost” (harm) attributable to intervention. The difference between
the “gain” and the “cost” provides a measure of the
extent to which the emergency response effort favorably influences the outcome
in any given emergency. Although such predictions of outcomes are required,
they are now usually made intuitively — if they are made at all. Too
frequently, the impulse to act immediately overwhelms reason in crisis
situations; risk-taking becomes excessive, and losses escalate rather than
decline. To forestall these wasteful losses, a structured approach to decision
making in HM emergencies seems long overdue. No such structured approach or
framework now exists for HM emergencies. Some attention
focused on the need for this type of approach. For example, in a report of an
HM accident in which numerous emergency personnel were injured, the National
Transportation Safety Board found that available information was inadequate for
on-scene identification and assessment of the hazards, potential
injury-producing events, and consequent response options.
Also, M. E. Grimes described a study of HM emergencies that revealed problems
that fire officers encountered in decision making.
a useful method for guiding decision making throughout the emergency is not yet
available. The development of such a method would be facilitated by an
understanding of what an HM emergency is.
can make two assumptions in describing a typical HM emergency — first,
that the emergency events sequence progresses in an orderly relationship in a
given set of circumstances, and second, that the events sequence can be
generalized for descriptive and analytical purposes.
happens in an HM emergency? During the course of a normal activity in which HM
are involved, the HM are controlled by some method of containment or
confinement or isolation from stressing events. For an emergency to begin, the
“holding” system for the HM must be disturbed or stressed in some
manner. The system may or may not adapt to the stress. If the stress does not
exceed the capability of the “holding” system to resist or adapt to
the stress, no disruption of the activity occurs. However, if the
“holding” system is overstressed beyond its recoverable limits,
some kind of failure occurs. Upon the occasion of such failure, escape of the
HM from the “holding” system can occur. This escape can take the
form of matter capable of producing harm, or of harmful energy, or some
combination of both. Once this occurs, the matter or energy can disperse until
it comes into contact with or impinges on a vulnerable exposure. Depending on
the intensity and duration, the exposure can harm the impinged resource, and
possibly cascade by overstressing and harming additional exposed
“holding” systems or resources. The emergency events sequence ends
when the cascading stresses are accommodated by the elements next impinged
without injury, and the conditions once again stabilize.
events sequence is illustrated in Figure 1, taking into account the adaptive
events discussed earlier. The illustration uses a convention of rectangles to
represent events, and arrows to indicate a proceed/follow relationship.
order to influence the outcome of the emergency events sequence, it can be seen
in Figure 1 that the natural events sequence must be deliberately disrupted by
the emergency response efforts. This can be indicated by displaying the
“countermeasures” on the same framework, as has been done in Figure
2. To aid in formulating the predicted outcomes, another element has been added
to Figure 1: each general event is assigned a “stage” designation,
to indicate the stage of the emergency at which a given type of event occurs.
These stages can be used to aid in determining the events likely to occur after
arrival of the decision-maker at the scene.
he becomes aware of the existence of an emergency, the decision-maker is faced
with a series of “decision events.” To affect or influence the
emergency events sequence, decisions must focus on modification of the sequence
that would otherwise occur naturally. There are six steps that can provide a
framework for decision making in a given HM emergency. These six steps are:
- Detect
HM Presence.
- Estimate
Likely Harm Without Intervention.
- Choose
Response Objectives.
- Identify
Action Options.
- Do
Best Option.
- Evaluate
is the D.E.C.I.D.E. process framework for HM emergency decision making.
1. Detecting
HM Presence
essential first step in any emergency is to decide whether HM are present or
not. Numerous clues usually exist when HM are present, but they must be sought
out by the decision-maker. Inductive reasoning may be required when the HM has
not been activated before the decision-maker’s arrival on the scene. This
can be accomplished by using containment principles, activity
characterizations, structural or appearance principles, etc. Numerous methods
for identifying the presence of HM are described in the literature or
regulations governing the transportation or handling of HM.
2. Estimating
Likely Harm Without Intervention
next logical step, if HM are present, is to decide what the most likely
progression of events and their outcome will be, if no intervention is
attempted. This estimate of the likely harm is the most difficult step in the
process, because emergency response information now available about HM does not
focus on the data needed to support this predictive effort. Some systems claim
to provide “hazard information” indicating adverse behavior of HM,
but none provide the decision maker with information about all the variables
that determine the events sequence in a specific emergency.
variables include the quantity and quality of their predictive estimates and
their resultant decisions. The communication of such information through
automated systems is envisioned.
these techniques to emergency response decisions can be expected to have
additional benefits. As the events sequences are made visible by the charting
methods, pre-accident safety control opportunities will also become obvious.
Thus, losses could be reduced even further by this “preplanning”
study of the decision processes in HM emergencies in both past accidents and
postulated emergencies is required in order to refine the concepts described,
but the benefits of the D.E.C.I.D.E. approach seem to have sufficient promise
to justify the effort. No other approaches yet proposed appear capable of
resolving the problems discussed. form of HM present, the “holding
system” failure behavior, dispersion mechanisms, dispersion rates and
patterns, damage or injury mechanisms, lethality, and other factors needed for
timely on-scene events predictions. Without such data, timely on-scene
predictions of the most likely events sequence — the timing of these
events, the directions, ranges or distances of concern, and the expected injury
estimates — may contain gross uncertainties that raise the risk level in
any response.
step requires the decision-maker to make a “mental movie” of the
most likely course of events after his arrival on the scene. This
“movie” begins with the setting observed upon arrival and ends with
the last harmful event in the emergency. The expected behavior of the HM in the
circumstances and the kind of harm that will probably occur constitute the plot
of this “movie.” The scenario must include the principal
“actors” such as stressing agents, the HM and its packaging, and
the people or properties exposed to harm, and all the significant actions
involving each actor.
HM emergencies in transportation, two documents that partially address this
decision step are an emergency guide and a chemical hazard response information
Environmental Protection Agency has also explored this need.
of the documents indicate the full range of events predictions and the
comprehensive decision process for which the data are supplied. Substantial
study and simplification, of the type being conducted by the U.S. Coast Guard,
is needed before timely predictions can be made with reasonable confidence in
specific emergencies aboard vessels or at the scene of accidents and spills.
3. Choosing
Response Objectives
third step, choosing the emergency response objectives, proceeds from the
predicted injury and damage estimated in step two. This decision indicates what
the emergency response effort will attempt to save. It examines the exposed
elements and attempts to distinguish between that which is irretrievably lost,
that which is in jeopardy but might be “saved” by appropriate
action, and that which is not in any jeopardy during the likely events
sequence. The result of this step is an identification of the
“gain” desired, and, with the result of step two, provides valuable
information for step five. Little guidance exists for making this step.
4. Identifying
Action Options
fourth step consists of analyzing the action options plus the
“gains” and “costs” that are associated with each
option. Usually more than one action option is available that will control the
emergency at hand. These options depend on the stage beyond which the emergency
is to be influenced, the predicted events selected for the “mental
movie,” the gains desired, the gains that the option is likely to
achieve, the resources available to carry out the option, and the costs of the
option. The actions that can be taken may range from a full-scale attack to an
immediate withdrawal beyond the range of effects. This step is designed to
develop and select those options that are feasible in the specific
circumstances of the emergency, and will change the outcome of the
“mental movie” from step two. To arrive at these options requires
knowledge of the predicted events sequence and of methods that are available
for intervening in that sequence, if any. Fire fighting principles might
provide sources for such methods.
options might be developed by considering the stage of the emergency and the
events sequence involved in the predicted outcome. Events sequence charting and
analysis of differing types of releases or reactions for a given activity would
help the decision-maker discover other response principles. For an example of
this events charting technique, see Figure 3.
response principles could probably be broken down in a manner conducive to
automated data storage, retrieval, or display methods to assure their timely
availability in given emergencies, in a manner like that contemplated by the
CHRIS system.
The results of this decision must be expressed in terms compatible with the
outputs of steps two and three. This means that each option must be expressed
in terms of “gains” that each will probably achieve, and the
“costs” necessary to achieve the gains. In addition, each option
must be described in terms of the events to be influenced and the new events
sequence that is anticipated. Both these descriptions are essential for the
next step.
5. “Doing”
The Best Option
the estimated harm and events sequence predictions for each option become
available, a decision to do whatever is best must now be made. This fifth
decision step will involve the weighing of factors beyond the “net
gain” for each option, such as legal requirements to respond,
reputations, public expectations, personal risk-taking propensities, etc. This
is the action step — the culmination of the preparatory steps described
above by which the “mental movies” are transformed into reality. It
is in this step that technical judgments are melded with value judgments, and
the crucial decisions are made. Since the quality of the technical data
influencing this decision will affect the quality of the outcome, the degree of
confidence that the decision maker has in the prior estimates will thus have a
strong influence on the decision made and the actions taken. Therefore,
measures to improve the technical quality of the estimates will directly
improve the quality of this decision. Again, documentation of this decision
step is not available for NM.
6. Evaluating
made the action choice, the next step involves continuous observations and
decisions of a yes/no type; either the events sequence is progressing as
envisioned in the “mental movies,” based on observations, or it is
not. If it is not, much of the above process must be repeated — estimates
must be revised, options reexamined, and decisions revised. This
“feedback” decision step continues until the emergency has been
stabilized. The importance of the earlier events predictions is obvious here;
the predictions provide the basis for comparing and measuring the success of
the response selected during the D.E.C.I.D.E. process. Without these
predictions, an emergency response effort has no standards for successful
intervention, and the outcome will be more a matter of luck than of sound,
structured decisions. Again, documentation of practical methods is lacking.
approach and method for structuring the HM emergency response decision-making
process has been presented here, and the needs for developing data to support
this process are described. Weaknesses in present HM emergency information
systems can be seen, and an approach is suggested for resolving these
weaknesses by the use of events charting methods. Within the “think
events” framework presented, information to support a structured
decision-making process in HM emergencies can be developed and made available
to on-scene decision makers to improve the quality of their predictive
estimates and their resultant decisions. The communication of such information
through automated systems is envisioned.
these techniques to emergency response decisions can be expected to have
additional benefits. As the events sequences are made visible by the charting
methods, pre-accident safety control opportunities will also become obvious.
Thus, losses could be reduced even further by this pre-planning” approach.
study of the decision processes in HM emergencies in both past accidents and
postulated emergencies is required in order to refine the concepts described,
but the benefits of the D.E.C.I.D.E. approach seem to have sufficient promise
to justify the effort. No other approaches yet proposed appear capable of
resolving the problems discussed
Fire Journal Vol. 69 No. 4 July 1975
of Missouri Pacific Railroad Company’s Train 94 at Houston, Texas,
October 19, 1971
Accident Report RAR 72—6, (Washington, D.C.: National Transportation
Safety Board).
M. E. Grimes, “Hazardous Materials Transportation Accidents,” Fire
Command!, Vol. 41, No. 4 (April 1974), p. 11.
ChemCard Manual (Washington, D.C.: Manufacturing Chemists’ Association,
Fire Protection Guide on Hazardous Materials, Fifth Ed. (Boston: NEPA, 1973).
of Proposed Rulemaking
No. 73—10, Federal Register 39 FR 3164 (Washington, D.C.: United States
Department of Transportation, Hazardous Materials Regulations Board, 1974).
E Pamphlet No. I Hazardous Materials Emergency Guide
(Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Explosives, Association of American Railroads,
Guide for Potentially Hazardous Materials
(Chicago, Ill.: Railway Systems Management Association, 1972).
Services Guide for Selected Hazardous Materials
(Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Transportation, Office of
Hazardous Materials, 1972).
A. D. Little, Inc
Preliminary System Development, Chemical Hazard Response In formation System
(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Coast Guard, 1972).
Contract No. 68—02—0029 (Research Triangle Park, N.C.: United
States Environmental Protection Agency, 1972).
U.S. Department of Transportation, “Vulnerability Model,” Contact
DOT CG33377A (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Coast Guard, 1974).
Guidelines for Fire Control
(Brooklyn, N.Y.: Theo. Gaus’ Sons, Inc., 1972).
F. L. Brannigan and C. S. Miles,
with Radiation, No. 2 Fire Service Problems
(Washington, D.C>;United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1963)
Office/s Guide to Dangerous Chemicals
(Boston: NEPA, 1972).