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INVESTIGATION CATALYST Witness Statement Tutorial © 2004 by Starline Software Ltd. |
PREPARING FOR WITNESS INTERVIEWS This tutorial shows you how to use INVESTIGATION CATALYST tools to transform data from a sample witness statement into Event Blocks, display the EBs on a Matrix, and then use the Matrix to help you pinpoint data to acquire from witnesses.
Step 1. Incident Familiarization. | Click here to read the statement and print it or copy it to a word processor. As you read it, try to visualize what witness reports. |
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) Q 1-1.What is familiarization? When will I know if I am familiar enough with the scenario to proceed to the next step? back to Top |
Step 2. Mark up Document . | Mark the printed or word processor witness statement to show the actions. Remember: you are looking for Event Blocks. They may not be obvious. Look for every word or phrase that describes or implies an action in Brown's report. Put sequential numbers in parentheses above (on printed document) or behind any (in digitized document) that you find. back to Top |
Step 3. List event blocks | Next, transform the actions marked in the Statement as Event Blocks a. Review the Statement. The first time, focus only on actions that Brown said he did. On a full sheet of paper make two columns. Start by listing each action by Brown that you find, with its number. Use the Event Block actor + action format. Put explicitly stated actions at the top of left column, and inferred actions below those actions. b. Then review the Statement again, and make a second list of every reported or implied action, by Brown or any other person or object. List these actions in the right column, formatted like the first list, with the explicitly stated actions listed first, and the inferred actions listed below the explicit actions. If you have any questions, see the FAQ below. If you can not find your answer there, contact Starline Support. |
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)Q 3-1. Do I need to mark up the Statement and make a list? Q 3-2. How do I recognize an inferred or implied action? b. The Changed State clue. When you observe words indicating a change of state from a prior state, look for action(s) which produced the new state. Examples: tire skid mark on runway 18 infers that something - a tire or runway? - did something to produce the skid mark on the runway 18. The description of the skid mark infers that the aircraft or tire did something else before they came to rest in the dirt pile. c. The Mental action clue. Some word combinations infer that someone or something was involved in a mental act. Example: "His estimated speed.." infers that someone estimated the aircraft speed at some point in time. Q 3-3. How do I handle confused or multiple names in a document? Q 3-4. How do I deal with "did nots" in the document? back to Top |
Step 4. Compare your results. | After completing your list or markup of the statement, compare your list or markup with the "School Solution." Don't peek before you have finished your list!. After you compare the results, feel free consult the General Guidance page to see an explanation for each of the EBs on the School Solution list. The EBs listed there correspond to those listed. |
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) Q 4-1. What if my list is different than the school solution? |
Step 5. Organize EBs in Statement. | After you have compared your results with the Tutorial list, create an INVESTIGATION CATALYST Matrix using the data from the Tutorial list. |
Proceed to Create Statement Matrix