Archives of Personal Papers ex libris Ludwig Benner, Jr.
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Investigation Task List 1 Mod 1

Submitted by H Chicoine for one or two person investigation project.

Modified Task List for EIR Project (LB 6 Mar 98)

Investigation Task list for one or two person investigation project.

Pre-field investigation
Field investigation
Post-field investigation
Lead Investigator
Multinational investigations

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Orig Draft 09 Oct 97

Pre-field investigation

[__ ] Select investigation methodology/protocols

[__ ] Design AI tasks to take full advantage of available resources.

[__ ] Identify and define perceived self interests of everyone affected by investigation

[__ ] Negotiate with others who might be investigating

[__ ] Identify and control personal risks to investigator

[__ ] Define and order [AND ASSIGN] investigation tasks

Field investigation tasks

[__ ] Do walkaround/lookaround to familiarize self with scene

[__ ] Identify physical objects likely to change

[__ ] Identify people data likely to change

[__ ] Protect data sources against premature change

[__ ] Formulate [AND DISPATCH] questions to generate needed data

[__ ] Document post-occurrence physical states

[__ ] Define pre-occurrence physical states of involved objects

[__ ] Define physical changes (damages) during incident

[__ ] Document post-occurrence physiological states

[__ ] Prepare investigation - photographs

[__ ] Prepare investigation - sketches

[__ ] Prepare investigation - drawings

[__ ] Prepare investigation - maps

[__ ] Prepare investigation - charts or graphs

[__ ] Define pre-occurrence physiological states

[__ ] Define physiological changes (injuries) during incident

[__ ] Identify and define change makers [INDICIA] that produced outcome

[__ ] Define actions required to produce observed ending [OUTCOME] conditions

[__ ] Acquire data about interactions from witnesses

[__ ] Acquire data about interactions from object sources

[__ ] Transform observations into form entries

[__ ] Transform observations into event descriptions

[__ ] Organize events [MULTI] sequentially

[__ ] Focus [energies] on remaining unknown events

[__ ] Select events to break down or decompose

[__ ] Define events pairs or sets for logic testing

[__ ] Apply cause-effect logic to events [paris] and sets

[__ ] [IDENTIFY AND] Demonstrate [PERTINENT] causal relationships among interactions

[__ ] [OUTLINE] Define gaps in understanding of what happened

[__ ] Hypothesize bounded scenarios to fill gaps [ ?]

[__ ] Acquire data to verify [TEST] hypotheses

[__ ] Develop plans for any [TECHNICAL] testing/simulations

[__ ] Apply necessary/sufficient logic to events

[__ ] Separate relevant from irrelevant events/data

[__ ] Do [RETROSPECTIVE] QC check of final description

[__ ] Use events description to define problem relationships

[__ ] Use events description to evaluate problems or needs

[__ ] Assess gravity of each need ( fix/don't fix)

[__ ] Select problems/needs to address with recommendations

[__ ] [CONSULT, AND] Identify candidate actions to address problems or needs

[__ ] Use events sets to evaluate each candidate recommendation

[__ ] Develop rationale for selecting recommendations to be proposed

[__ ] [CONSULT, AND] Develop recommendations effectiveness assessment plans and procedures

[__ ] Do objective quality assurance procedures for final investigation outputs

Post-field investigation

[__ ] Prepare narrative description and explanation of what happened

[__ ] Pick an [ADDRESS OUTCOME WITH] cause, causes, causal factors, root cause, proximate, remote, errors or whatever.

[__ ] Prepare final report

[__ ] Defend final report

[__ ] Respond to media inquiries

[__ ] Do objective quality assurance procedures investigation process

[__ ] Arrange for disposition of wreckage/debris/test objects

[__ ] Arrange for archiving of data sources

Lead investigator

[__ ] Set daily task [ASSIGNMENT] priorities [SPECIFICATIONS] for each investigator or group

[__ ] Manage work force performance

[__ ] Assure needed information exchanges among [COLLABORATORS] workers

[__ ] Conduct public and private briefings

[__ ] Manage quality assurance procedures for team tasks and outputs

[__ ] Manage recommendation development process

[__ ] Manage [REVIEW] report preparation

Multinational investigations

[__ ] Implement multinational investigating protocols

[__ ] Implement customs and conventions of host state

[__ ] Manage multicultural multinational investigation teams

[__ ] Negotiate participation by non-government experts

[__ ] Critique investigation process

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