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Example Position Vacancy Announcement for
Aviation Accident Investigator (Field)

This example, downloaded from the NTSB web site indicates the qualifications required by a governmental investigation agency in the USA for its investigators.


AGENCY CONTACT: Human Resources Division 1-800-573-0937 or 202 314-6239 World wide Web Address:

POSITION TITLE, SERIES, AND GRADE: Aviation Accident Investigator (Field), GS-1801-11

LOCATION: Office of Aviation Safety, South Central Regional Office, Arlington, Texas

SALARY RANGES: GS-11 is $39,135 to $50,873 per annum


AREA OF CONSIDERATION: Nationwide; status and non-status applicants. Qualified applicants who are eligible under special authorities may apply (i.e., ICTAP, CTAP). Applications of non-status candidates who meet the minimum qualifications for the position will be referred to the Delegated Examining Unit (DEU) for consideration. Status candidates who wish to be considered under both merit promotion and competitive DEU procedures must submit two complete applications. NTSB will not pay relocation (PCS) expenses.

REGULATIONS: Financial interest in certain transportation enterprises is prohibited. US Citizenship is required. Security clearance is required.

MAJOR DUTIES: Conducts investigations of aircraft accidents or incidents mainly involving general aviation aircraft or air carriers not investigated by centralized teams. On occasion, participates with centralized teams in investigating major air carrier accidents. Prepares timely and comprehensive written factual reports of aviation accidents/incidents that accurately reflect the findings and conclusions of the investigation. Develops facts during an investigation which may require the submission of appropriate and timely safety recommendations to preclude possible recurrence of similar accidents/incidents and promote aviation safety. The major portion of work involves on-scene investigation,assembling factual data, preparing specialized analysis, developing conclusions based upon such data and performing engineering analysis of various aircraft components and aircraft performance data. the ability to speak and write effectively and work as a team member is essential to successful performance in this position. in meetings and conferences with other civil and government agencies, the incumbent may be called upon to present, interpret and maintain the position and view of the safety board. may also be required to testify at public hearings or to participate in the examination of witnesses at such hearings. must be able to tactfully deal with all people encountered during these activities.

PRIVACY ACT REQUIREMENTS (P.L.93-579): The referenced forms are used to determine qualifications for promotion or employment and are authorized under Title 5 of the U.S. Code, Sections 3302 and 3361. Each form must be submitted to consider you for the position noted. The social security number is not required for this purpose and may be deleted.

EVALUATION METHODS: Review or evaluation of applications or personnel folders, performance appraisals, training, awards, and if necessary, personnel inquires, pre-employment reference checks, interviews, written tests, potential appraisals, and personnel investigations.



GS-11: One year of specialized experience is required equivalent to the GS-9 level in the Federal service in conducting aircraft accident investigations and writing accident investigation reports.


(Please See "Special Note" Below)
Total Small Airplane Multiengine

Grade Flying Single Engine* Airplane

GS-11 1500 500 500

*Small Airplane: Single engine driven fixed-wing aircraft with gross takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or less. Multiengine fixed-wing aircraft weighing 12,500 pounds or less may also be included if the aircraft is designed with centerline thrust.

3. REQUIRED CERTIFICATES AND RATINGS: 1) Possession of a valid commercial pilot certificate with an instrument airplane rating or airline transport pilot certificate. 2) Possession of ASEL and AMEL Ratings. 3)Possession of a first or second class Airman's Medical Certificate which must be current at the time the application is submitted.

4. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES (KSAs): Applicants who meet the specialized experience, pilot-in-command flight hours, and certification requirements described above will be further evaluated to determine the extent to which their education, related work experience, training, awards, and supervisory appraisals indicate they possess or have the potential to acquire knowledge, skills, abilities and personal characteristics (KSAs) required to perform the duties and responsibilities described above. Please describe briefly your experience/training, etc. to each of the following KSAs. Be sure to include any appropriate awards received. At the end of your description, please indicate where you gained this experience.

Candidates should submit a supplemental statement to their application which describes their experience and training in terms of the KSAs below:

1. Skill in writing technical reports.

2. Skill in making oral presentations before large audiences.

3. Knowledge of aviation accident investigation practices, procedures, and techniques.

4. Knowledge of General Aviation/Air Carrier flight operations.

5. Formal Education which resulted in a BS/BA or higher academic degree.

6. Certificates and Training including ATC, A&P, dual-ratings (rotorcraft and fixed- wing aircraft), type ratings, bilingual speaking ability, etc.

OTHER SIGNIFICANT FACTS REGARDING WORKING CONDITIONS: Investigative assignments are frequently given on short notice and may involve work at unusual hours for long periods of time at accident sites in sometimes remote, rugged and hostile settings. The investigator is required to carry sufficient environment equipment to deal with these adverse working conditions. Travel to the accident scene may require extensive driving as well as rigorous walking, hiking, and climbing. This includes carrying all the necessary tools to examine wreckage, record and photograph pertinent factual information, and then physically remove and transport pertinent physical evidence for further examination. Routine overnight travel is required.

SPECIAL NOTE: YOUR APPLICATION CANNOT RECEIVE CONSIDERATION UNLESS YOU PROVIDE INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR FLIGHT TIME, CERTIFICATES AND RATINGS. The Safety Board does not impose flying time proficiency requirements after the employee enters on duty. Therefore, the employee's record need only show that appropriate flying time requirements were met at the time the application was submitted. Applicants will not be considered unless records of the applicant's flight time, certificates and ratings are forwarded with the application. Applicants are encouraged to use OPM Form 1170, Record of Aeronautical Experience, to provide this information. A copy of OPM Form 1170 is attached to this vacancy announcement or it can be obtained from the NTSB Home Page on the World Wide Web.


HOW TO APPLY: All applicants must submit an application for consideration. The following documents are acceptable: OF-612, Optional Application for Federal Employment, a resume or other available application format. All applications must contain all of the information as described below. Submission of an incomplete application may result in a low rating or losing consideration for the position. A separate application must be submitted for each grade level applied for. Applications will not be duplicated or returned; they will remain part of the official file. Copies of applications are acceptable with original signature and date. ALL DOCUMENTS MUST BE POSTMARKED AND MAILED TO THE ADDRESS INDICATED BY THE CLOSING DATE OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT:

National Transportation Safety Board
490 L'Enfant Plaza East, SW
Washington, DC 20594-2000
Attn: Human Resources Division, MD-30.
JOB INFORMATION: Announcement number, job title and grade level of the position for which you are applying.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: - Full name, mailing address (with zip code) and day and evening telephone numbers with area code.;- Birth Date: - Social Security Number;- Country of Citizenship.- Veterans' Preference. (see additional information on Veterans' Preference below)- Reinstatement eligibility OR competitive status if applicable (attach a copy of latest SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action, as proof of your career or career-conditional status).- Your highest Federal civilian grade, job series and the dates held, if applicable.- Eligibility under special hiring authority. (Indicate the basis for any eligibility and attach appropriate documentation.)


- High School information - Name of School, City, State (Zip Code if known) and date of diploma or GED.

- College/University information Name of School(s), City, State (Zip Code if known), majors, type of degree(s) received (if no degree, show total credits earned and indicate whether semester or quarter hours).

- If you qualify based on education, submit a transcript or list of courses (with credit hours), majors, and grade-point average or class rank.

WORK EXPERIENCE: Describe your paid and non-paid work related to the position for which you are applying including the knowledge, skills, abilities identified for this position and how you meet them. The selective factors must be evident in experience and/or training. (DO NOT SEND JOB DESCRIPTION). For each position, include the following information:

- Your Position title (include job series and grade if a Federal job).

- Employer's name, address

- Supervisor's name and telephone number (indicate whether we may contact your current supervisor for reference purposes).

- Dates you started and ended each job.

- The amount of hours you work per week.

- Your starting and ending salaries.

- Duties and accomplishments


- Job-related training courses completed within the last 3 years (list title, hours and date completed)

- Job-related skills (other languages, computer software/hardware skills, typing speed, etc.)

- Job-related honors, awards, and special accomplishments received within the last 3 years. For example: publications, memberships in professional or honor societies, leadership activities, public speaking, and performance awards (give dates but do not send documents unless requested)



- Job finalists will be asked to sign and certify the accuracy of all information they provide and to authorize a background investigation. A false statement in a part of your application may be grounds for not hiring you, or for firing you after you begin work, and may be punishable by law.

- Males born after December 31, 1959, must be registered with the Selective Service System or have a valid exemption to be eligible for Federal employment. If you receive a military or civilian annuity from the Federal government, your salary or annuity may be reduced if you take a Federal job.

- If you have any delinquent debts, you must repay those debts or face garnishment of your salary.

- Subject to satisfactory completion of a background investigation.


- If you served honorably in the U.S. Armed Forces in certain periods such as during the Gulf War from August 2, 1990, through January 2, 1992, or campaigns such as Bosnia during November 20, 1995, to present, or if you are a disabled veteran, you may be entitled to veterans' preference. If you are applying for reinstatement, transfer, or under a merit promotion announcement, you do not need to claim veterans' preference. If you are the spouse, widow, widower, or mother of a totally disable veteran or of a veteran who died in service, you may be entitled to veterans' preference.

- You cannot receive veterans' preference if you are retired or will retire at or above the rank of major or lieutenant commander, unless you are disabled or you retired from the active military reserve. If you claim veterans' preference, you must state your preference claim and attach documentation: "5-Points Veterans' Preference: DD 214 attached," or "10-Points Veterans Preference: SF-15 attached."

CTAP & ICTAP Applications:

1. Career Transition Assistance Program (CTAP) or Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program (ICTAP) applicants must submit a copy of their specific RIF notice and documentation from their human resources office reflecting the promotion potential of their most recent federal position.

2. Selection priority will be given to well-qualified CTAP or ICTAP applications.

3. Well qualified candidates are those who address and meet the qualifications.

