Logic Tests
A fifth essential tool is logic testing, using several kinds of logical reasoning.
Investigation Catalyst offers guidance, but the investigator must supply the reasoning. Reasoning produces
the configuration of the EBs and links on the Matrix. - Sequential reasoning is required
to position the EBs in their proper sequence relative to each other.
- Inferential reasoning is
required to infer EBs that may not be reported but must have happened for known EBs to
occur, and also to translate observed conditions into inferred EBs that must
have occurred to produce the observed conditions.
- Hypothetical reasoning is required to
developed possible actions that might have occurred between two known EBs on the Matrix to
fill the gap.
- Necessary and sufficient reasoning is required to decide if the EBs leading
to the target EB include all and only those necessary to produce the target EB every time
they occur.
Sometimes "experts" with knowledge of the system or reasoning skills must be
brought in to help investigators with these tasks.