Diamond Tool

The sixth essential tool is the Diamond tool. It uses the tested matrixes to identify, evaluate and rank changes that will improve future performance of processes investigated. The tool leads to the orderly logical development and ranking of options for potential changes to improve future behaviors and outcomes.

The tool includes procedures for identifying and defining problems with coupled Event Block pairs or sets. Rules for using the tool lead to systematic examination of each EB pair or set to identify behaviors that might be changed, candidate changes that would produce better results, the relative merit of each option, and a tradeoff analysis to assist with the selection of the best options.

Each EB or link found to be a problem, hazard, risk raiser, performance impediment or need is tagged with a "Diamond" on the Matrix-based process flow chart. This helps communicate the validity of the need for the changes proposed quickly and persuasively.

The Matrix display of dynamic coupled behaviors derived from observations, and the Diamond tools for analyzing the Matrix display to find options for improving future performance obviate the need for traditional cause determination, fault-finding, and other reported problems with current investigation practices. They enhance investigation efficacy and efficiency.

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