Create a New Project

Create Project Folder

The first task is to create a file folder to contain all the files that will be accumulated during a project, such as the Investigation Catalyst files, source files, memos and other associated project data. Use this folder for all project files.

Investigation Catalyst will open a Finder window, with an active "Select" button when you open the application the first time, or when you create a new file with FILE>NEW.

  1. Selecct your project folder from the existing list, or create a new project folder
  2. then click on the select button.
  3. Investigation Catalyst will remember to save all files to that folder, and display that folder when you select File>Open (command+o) until you select a new folder on opening a new file.

Create Title Box defaults

Before creating the first file,

  1. Open the TOOLS>MATRIX PROPERTIES menu (Command+y),
  2. enter the default values you want to use by all files in the project.
  3. Click on the Save Defaults button to set the defaults

Edit entries in the Title Box by double-clicking on a field and entering the new data in the spaces provided. This will affect only the current file unless you click on the Save Default button.

Project Title: Enter name of project for the master Matrix; add alphabetical suffixes for subsidiary Matrixes
Author: Enter name/initials/ID of the person responsible for final Matrix
Date: Enter creation data or final date, as desired in the format YYYY:MM:DD. The default is current date.
Color Labels:

Use default legends or substitute preferences by double clicking on legend and entering new legend. Default legends are:

Final EB = an EB containing valid, confirmed data.

Hypothesized EB = an EB that someone thinks may have happened, a guess to fill in a gap, subject to verification by further investigation.

Inferred EB = an EB that is inferred to have happened from known event blocks.

Temporary EB = an EB that is placed on the Matrix as a placeholder for an assumed event block to has to be developed.

Required EB = an action that is required by regulation, procedure, code, etc.

Questionable EB = an EB that is questionable, doesn't seem logical, needs to be rechecked.

Incomplete EB = an EB that was known to have happened but it is unclear who the actor was or what they did or where they did it.

Disputed EB = an EB for which one data source contradicts another.

Add new file

To add a new file to your current Project,

  1. select FILE>NEW to open a Finder window displaying the contents of the current Project Folder
  2. press return key to place the new file in the current Project folder
  3. an empty Matrix, using the project Title Box defaults and ready to accept data, appears in the window.
  4. selecting FILE>SAVE will save the new file to the current Project Folder.

To start a new Project and open a file in that project,
  1. select FILE>NEW to open Finder window
  2. select or create a Folder for the new project
  3. press return key to place new file in the new Project folder when saved
  4. an empty Matrix, ready to accept data, appears in the window
  5. open the Tools>Matrix Properties panel to enter Project data for the new Project

NOTE: When you import a file the defaults for the file you are importing TO will be the defaults for the newly merged file.

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