Quality Assurance Tutorial

© 2004 by Starline Software Ltd.


Step 3: Identify words in the report which imply or infer actions during the accident process. Either highlight these words with a highlighter pen on your printed copy or enter sequential letters in parentheses after the words, or change the text color to RED in the report or enter sequential letters in parentheses after the words on a word processor.

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  • If you have any questions, see the FAQ below. If you can not find your answer there, contact Starline Support.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Q 3-1- How can I recognize an implied or inferred action?
Look for specific clues.

a. the Passive Voice clue. When you see the word "was" or "were" look for an underlying action. Example: "wing was deformed" infers that someone or something deformed the wing.

b. The Changed State clue. When you observe words indicating a change of state from a prior state, look for action(s) which produced the new state. Examples: tire skid mark on runway 18 infers that something - a tire or runway? - did something to produce the skid mark on the runway 18. The description of the skid mark infers that the aircraft or tire did something else before they came to rest in the dirt pile.

c. The Mental action clue. Some word combinations infer that someone or something was involved in a mental act. Example: "His estimated speed..." infers that someone estimated the aircraft speed at some point in time.

Q 3-2 How should I convert and format inferred actions?
Convert the data into the name of the person or object that acted, and what they did. Record the inferred event i n the actor/action or Event Block format.

Q 3-3 - What if I can't identify the actor or act from the words?
Use a ? in place of the name or act to show that you do not know the name or what the actor did, or both.

Q 3-4- How should I mark inferred actions?
On a printed document, put an ID number over or behind the word or phrase which infers an action, highlight the word or phrase with a highlighter pen or circle the word or phrase. In computer files, add ID numbers, or change the words to RED or bold italics so they are readily visible. On multipage documents, page and line numbers might be used to help retrieve the source if needed after the investigation.

Q 3-5 - How do I record the inferred actions?
On paper documents, record the action as an Event Block on your list of actions, under a subheading Inferred Actions, and link the actions to the numbered or highlighted key words in the document on which you based your inference. In computer files, record the actor name and act plus any descriptive words - or question marks - in parentheses after the key words.

Q 3-6 - What happens if I mark words that should not be marked?
Nothing serious. They will be discarded during subsequent steps involving the INVESTIGATION CATALYST Matrixes.

Q 3-7 - What happens if I miss words that I should have marked?
You will get a second chance to find them during subsequent steps when you put your events together as Event Blocks (EBs) on the INVESTIGATION CATALYST Matrixes.