- Place the cursor in the Analyst text box, and
- enter the name of the analyst who defined the problem or need
- Tab to the next text box and enter the file ID.
- If more Diamonds will be added to the same file, add these entries
- set as the default entries by clicking on the Make Default box to the right of the text boxes.
- Tab or Move the cursor into the Problem box, and
- enter the draft problem statement
- For assistance with this task, see the Problem Discovery help file.
- After entering the problem statement, move the cursor into the first evaluation text box below the problem statement and
- enter the desired data.
- Tab to the next text boxes and
- enter desired data.
- If using the default measures, and you want to print out a sheet with the matrixes and criteria, click here and print page from your browser.
- (Make sure browser fills screen.)
- Review entries, and
- when satisfactory, press Return key to save your entries.