Add Diamonds

Use Diamonds to tag Event Blocks or links on Matrixes which analysts determined to be candidates for actions to improve future performance.

Add Diamonds after necessary and sufficient logic tests among the EB interactions of interest are complete.

Set Diamond Panel Preferences

Investigation Catalyst provides default labels for their problem, option and tradeoff panels. The labels represent one set of attributes that can be used to evaluate the problems and options. These labels can be edited by the user.

  1. Select Tools>Diamond Label Panel to open Diamond Label Panel. Panel displays labels used in Diamond Values tab.
  2. Edit label name in a text box to change label displayed. Check mark in Make Default box disappears. That will change label in this file only.
  3. Click on Make Default check box to make new entry the label name on all files.
  4. Make additional changes in other boxes in this panel, and set or reset defaults as desired.
To change label names in Options and Tradeoff panels:
  1. Click on Option Values tab to open Options panel to edit values and defaults.
  2. Click on Tradeoff Values tab to open Tradeoffs panel to edit values and options.
  3. Press Return and click on Close button in title bar to save changes
Create Diamond

To create a new Diamond,

  1. select the Event Block or link to which it should be attached, and then
  2. click on the Diamond tool in the tool bar or press Command+I. A red-bordered Diamond appears beside the selected object, and data entry panel opens.

    The Problem Panel displays the Event Block or link data for the selected object.

  1. Place the cursor in the Analyst text box, and
  2. enter the name of the analyst who defined the problem or need
  3. Tab to the next text box and enter the file ID.
  4. If more Diamonds will be added to the same file, add these entries
  5. set as the default entries by clicking on the Make Default box to the right of the text boxes.
  6. Tab or Move the cursor into the Problem box, and
  7. enter the draft problem statement text.
  8. For assistance with this task, see the Problem Discovery help file.
  9. After entering the problem statement, move the cursor into the first evaluation text box below the problem statement and
  10. enter the desired data.
  11. Tab to the next text boxes and
  12. enter desired data.

    • If using the default measures, and you want to print out a sheet with the matrixes and criteria, click here and print page from your browser.

    • (Make sure browser fills screen.)

  13. Review entries, and
  14. when satisfactory, press Return key to save your entries.
Edit Diamond

Users can change the status or content of a Diamond.

  1. Select the Diamond to edit.
  2. Press Command+I to open the Inspector Panel.
  3. Select the Problem or Controls and Tradeoffs Tab to bring the desired Panel to the foreground
  4. Edit the contents of the Panel as desired.
  5. Press Enter to record the changes.
Delete Diamond

To delete a Diamond

  1. select the diamond, then
  2. press the Delete key, or
  3. click on the Delete button on the Tool Bar.

This deletes the entire Diamond record from the Matrix

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