Create Options

Use the Diamond Inspector Controls and Tradeoffs Tab to open the Controls and Tradeoffs Panel, where you can develop options to address each problem defined for each Diamond.

Develop options after Matrix is completed. Options may also be added if restart of system operation is urgent and a problem is defined.

Diamond Options Panel

The Controls and Tradeoffs Panel provides columns to enter data about options devised to address the problem defined for the selected Diamond. The titles of the columns are defined in the Preferences>Table Column Display>Diamond Panel preference panel.

Create Control options

To develop a control option, follow the steps described in the Recommendation Development Tutorial, and record the results in the Controls Panel of the Diamond Inspector panel.

  1. click on the + box below the Control Table to add an option
  2. move the cursor into the 2nd column on the first row
  3. enter a description of the control option you devised
  4. tab to the next column in the row
  5. enter the attribute for the option called for in that column
  6. tab to the rest of the columns and enter the specified data

    The completed row describes the control option and its attributes.

Enter Tradeoffs

Use the lower Tradeoffs Table to document the arguements in favor of and opposed to implementing the control option selected in the Controls Table, and the weights assigned to each argument, to arrive at the comparative weight for each option.

  1. click on the + box below the Tradeoffs Table
  2. position the cursor in the second column
  3. enter the argument
  4. tab to the next columns and add the data
  5. repeat these steps until each argument for and against, and their weights, are entered in the Table
  6. enter the sum of the weights in the rank column
  7. select the next option in the Control Table by clicking on the number
  8. enter the tradeoffs for that option
To DELETE any entries in the Control or Tradeoffs Tables, select the row and click on the - box..

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