Link EBs

Link each EB that led to subsequent EBs to those subsequent EBs with linking arrows.

Investigation Catalyst uses arrows to show links or causal coupling between EBs, according to MES Rules. If an EB led to one more other EBs, add a link as an arrow leading form the earlier action to the subsequent action(s).

Add link between EBs in window

Hold down Command key and drag cursor from "From EB" border to the "To EB" border. An arrow with a solid line and unfilled arrow head appears.

Add a link between EBs in different windows

On a matrix displayed in more than one window,

  1. Position "From EB" in the current window.
  2. Position the cursor over the From Event,
  3. Control+click or Right Click to activate the action panel,
  4. move the cursor over the Set Link From Event, and
  5. click the mouse button.
  6. Navigate the Matrix as necessary to position the "To Event" in the Main Matrix window,
  7. Move the cursor over the To Event"
  8. Control+click or Right Click to activate the action panel, and
  9. click on the Set Link To Event

Solid arrow appears. The default status for the new link is "Confirmed."

Change link status To toggle arrow between dashed to solid line,

  1. Command+I to open the Inspector,
  2. click on the arrow head to select the link, then
  3. click on Tentative or Confirmed to change its status in the Link Inspector Panel boxes: the arrow changes to a dashed or solid arrow.
  4. click on the EB or an open space on the Matrix to complete the action.
Delete a link To delete a link,
  1. Select the link to delete, and
  2. press the delete key or
  3. In the Inspector Panel links tab, click on the X in the Delete check box to delete outgoing links from an EB.

Deleting an EB removes the EB and any links to and from that EB.

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