Test Matrix Logic

Test the logic of the EBs and links displayed in the Matrix and record the results of your tests in the Inspector Links Panel, to help find logic problem with the event flows, and determine the completeness of the Matrix.

Sequence logic test.

This test verifies the positioning of the EBs on the Matrix.

Starting at the beginning of the Matrix, step through each EB and determine if the it is correctly sequenced both as to relative timing and physical location.

Reposition any EBs that are out of sequence, as described in Positioning EBs

Cause-Effect logic tests

This test verifies the coupling of linked EBs on the Matrix. Starting with the first link on the Matrix, examine each link on the Matrix to verify that the cause-effect logic is valid for the two EBs that are coupled. If valid, the Link Inspector Panel Status box should show a check mark. If not determined, show a question mark. The default is a question mark.

Click on the question mark to change it to a check mark.

Necessary and Sufficient logic test

This determines the completeness of the Matrix display. When created, all links have unfilled arrowheads, indicating they have not successfully passed the N&S logic test.

Use the Incoming Links Pane of the Inspector Links Panel to examine the inbound links to each EB on the Matrix. If the links are all necessary and sufficient to produce the selected EB every time they occur, the test is passed. Click on the box in from of Necessary & Sufficient Test Passed.

The empty arrowheads on links coming into the EB will turn solid black. Unfilled arrow heads indicate an unfinished investigation task.

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