This sectrion contains a mostly unannotated listing of my works presently accessible via this site (blue titles), or available from the another internet source. Printable and editable copies of many pdf files can be made available by contacting me. For additional unpublished works or works in process, select Unpublished Works from side bar on the home page. Download Acrobat Reader free for pdf files.

Most recent additions listed first . . . .
Benner, L. 2019-2020, Posted 6 databases on line at Site includes: 63 Investigation issues, a survey of cause and factor definitions, 43 pages of foundational views underlying investigations, 40 accident investigation and analysis methods, and 62 NTBSB 1994-2000 requests for reconsideration (of findings.)
Benner, L. 2019, Accident investigation data: Users' unrecognized challenges. Safety Science Volume 118, October 2019, Pages 309-315 DOI 10.1016/j.ssci.2019.05.021 Before July 14 2019, access here.
Selk, S. and Benner, L., 2019, Accident Investigation Challenges for Process Safety Practitioners. This document provides information about expectation of process industry practitioners who may be called upon occasionally to participate in safety investigation, their origin, issues personnel are likely to encounter, and suggestions for coping with them. View abstract and article: DOI 10.1002/prs.12053
Benner, L., 2017, Sampled Foundational Views Underlying Accident Investigation Processes. Database contains over 150 referenced samples of different foundational views of accidents, investigations and why accidents happen, among other investigation process elements.
Benner, L., 2016, Accident Investigation and Analysis Methods.pdf Database ontains information about the growing number of investigation and analysis methods used to produce reported accident data in accident reports of all kinds. Includes names, acronyms, source references, and list of differences among the views.
On May 12, 2016, My 70 pages of comments to a proposed Risk Management Program regulation for stationary facilities with listed haardous chemicals, published in a Federal Register NPRM on March 14, 2015 are now posted. The proposed rules can be viewed on pages 13638-13712 at . My comments offering numerous suggestions and criticisms can be viewed at!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OEM-2015-0725-0459
Stoop, J. and Benner, L. 2015 What do STAMP-based Analysts Expect from Safety Investigations? describes variations in accident investigation reports and other input data challenges that STAMP/CST analysts need to recognize in selecting candidate accidents for analyses, and options for addressing these challenges. In Procedia Engineering, Volume 128, p 93-102
Benner, L., 2015 Is It Time To Purge Legal Constructs From Safety Investigations? presents arguments for purging detrimental legal constructs from accidental occurrence investigations. See also comments at Safety Differently web site, at Thinking differently about safety investigations
Benner, L., 2014 ISASI: 50 Years of Investigations describing the most noteworthy aviation accident investigations since 1964. July–September 2014 ISASI Forum, p10-23
Benner, L. 2013 "Standardizing Safety Investigation Inputs to Reduce Risks" argues for a shift from prevention-centric to user-centric safety investigation purposes and for a new non-causal safety investigation paradigm, including investigation data input and integration standards. A slide presentation and movie of the presentation of the paper is also available. 2013 (Jan 14).
Benner, L. 2013 "Mishap Description Quality Analyzer toolkit" for quality checking of reported descriptions of what happened and why it happened by individuals with an interest in the occurrence. Uploaded Jan 2013
Benner, L. and Rimson, I.J., "The ISSS at Half a Century - 3" Journal of System Safety, V.47:4. July August 2012.
Benner, L. and Rimson, I.J., "The ISSS at Half a Century - 2" Journal of System Safety, V.48:2: Mar-Apr 2012
Benner, L. and Rimson, I.J., "The ISSS at Half a Century Journal of System Safety, V.47:6: Nov-Dec 2011
Benner, L. and Rimson, I.J., "Ten-to-the-Minus-Ninth Redux: Probabilistic and Possibilistic Analyses Journal of System Safety, V.47:4: Jul-Aug 2011
Benner, L. and Rimson, I.J., "The Brave New World of Designers' Complexity Journal of System Safety, V.47:2: Mar-Apr 2011
Benner, L. and Rimson, I.J., "Old Habits Die Hard: Part 2 Journal of System Safety, V.46:4: Nov-Dec 2010
Benner, L. and Rimson, I.J., "Old Habits Die Hard Journal of System Safety, V.46:4: Jul-Aug 2010
Benner, L.,Transforming Experience into Performance Improvement- paper. View slide presentation at 16th Annual Human Performance Root Cause Trending Conference, Baltimore MD June 21-25 2010
Benner, L. and Rimson, I.J., "Deja Vu All Over--An Opportunity For Us Journal of System Safety, V.46:2: Mar-Apr 2010
Benner, Ludwig Jr. and Carey, William D. Can Accident Investigation Tools Help Crime Scene Reconstruction? - Journal of the Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction, Volume 16, Issue 2, Spring 2010: pages 11-18.
Rimson, I.J., and Benner, Ludwig, "A Risk is a Risk is a Risk,...1 or is It" Journal of System Safety, V.45:6: Nov-Dec 2009
Benner, L, "5 Accident Perceptions: Their Implications for Investigations Journal of System Safety, V.43:3: Sep-Oct 2009
Benner, L. and Rimson, I.J., Sifting Lessons from the Ashes: Avoiding Lost Learning Opportunities, International Society of Air Safety Investigators 2009 Seminar, Orlando, FL, September 2009
Benner, L. and Carey, W.D., Lessons Learning System Analysis and Assessment (Slide Presentation), International System Safety Conference, Huntsville, AL August 4 2009
Benner, L. and Carey, W.D., Investigation Lessons Learning System Flaws and Fixes, Washington DC System Safety Training Seminar, La Plata MD, June 25 2008
Benner, L., Lessons Learning System Attributes: An Analysis, ESReDA 36 Seminar, Coimbra PT June 2009
Benner, L. and Carey, W.D., Lessons Learning System Analysis and Assessment, International System Safety Conference, Huntsville, AL August 4 2009
Benner, Ludwig and Rimson, I.J., "The Curse of the Retros" Journal of System Safety, V.45:4: July Aug 2009
Benner, L., Lessons Learning System Attributes: An Analysis, Proceedings of ESReDA 36 Seminar, Coimbra PT June 2009
Benner, Ludwig and Rimson, I.J., "Hazard Analyses of Dynamic Systems" Journal of System Safety, V.45:2: Mar-Apr 2009
Benner, L, "Appraising Lessons Learned Practices" Journal of System Safety, V.43:3: May-Jun 2008
Rimson, I.J., "Numerology and System Safety" Journal of System Safety, V.43:3: May-Jun 2008
Rimson, I.J., and Benner, Ludwig, "The Sky Is Not Falling. Or Is It - Part 3?" Journal of System Safety, V.44:4: Nov-Dec. 2008
Benner, L. and Carey, W.D., Investigation Lessons Learning System Flaws and Fixes, Washington DC System Safety Training Seminar, La Plata MD, June 25 2008
Rimson, I.J., and Benner, Ludwig, "The Sky Is Not Falling. Or Is It - Part 2?" Journal of System Safety, V.44:2: Mar-Apr 2008
Rimson, I.J., and Benner, Ludwig, "The Sky Is Not Falling. Or Is It?" Journal of System Safety, V.44:2: Mar-Apr 2008
Rimson, I.J., and Benner, Ludwig, "What Do You Really Know?" Journal of System Safety, V.43:6: Nov-Dec 2007
Benner, L., Accident Data for the Semantic Web ESReDA 33 Seminar, Ispra IT, November 2007
Rimson, I.J., and Benner, Ludwig, "The X-Tree - Part 2" Journal of System Safety, V.43, 4: Jul-Aug 2007
Rimson, I.J., and Benner, Ludwig, "Introducing the X-Tree" for the Journal of System Safety, 43:2, March-April 2007
Rimson, I.J., and Benner, Ludwig, "Whose Risk Is It Anyway?" Journal of System Safety, 42:6, November-December 2006
Rimson, I.J., and Benner, Ludwig,"Follow-Through: It's Good For Golf; its Great For Safety" Journal of System Safety, 42:4, July August 2006
Rimson, I.J., and Benner, Ludwig, "When Safety Depends on Security" Journal of System Safety," 42:2, March-April 2006
Rimson, I.J., and Benner, Ludwig, "Ten-to-the-minus-Ninth: Satisfaction or Satisfiction?" Journal of System Safety, 41:6, November-December 2005
Rimson, I.J., and Benner, Ludwig, System Improvement Should Be the Objective of Investigations in the Journal of System Safety, 41:4, July-August 2005 is about the Dreaded "Did Nots" in investigation reports, and the problems they pose. May still be accessible at
Starline Software, Ltd., 2004 Investigation Catalyst software application package. Directed prototype investigation software application development, and created Web Site, with a Preview , Tutorial and Sample files, and Technical Notes. 2004. Software licensed and posted as Open Source code 2010.
Benner, L. Investigating Investigation Methodologies (872K file). IRIA2003 Conference. Paper presents a comparison of effects of RCA and MES methodologies on investigation processes. View a copy of Handout 1 showing examples incomplete data disclosed by MES, a second handout with examples of questions raised by MES matrix development, and a a third handout showing how the comments can be used for managing the investigation are also available. (Note: hurricane forced cancellation of conference and presentation.) 2003
List of published NTSB Hazmat accident reports and special studies 1978-1982
Benner, L., THE STORY OF GEBMO: How the widely used General Hazardous Materials Behavior Model (GEBMO) and D.E.C.I.D.E. model for Hazardous Materials emergency responders evolved. 2001 (On line publication)
Benner, L., INVESTIGATION PROGRAMS, Chapter 8 in Handbook of Industrial Automation, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York 2000 . Describes investigation program design, planning, and implementation. View table of contents.
Benner, L. 10 MES INVESTIGATION GUIDES (Internet Edition) Starline Software, Ltd., Oakton, VA. Revised through 2005
Published HUMAN DECISION MODEL FOR ACCIDENT INVESTIGATORS on line at, describing decision process for investigators to pursue during investigations. January 1998.
Benner, L., EXTRACTED STATEMENTS ABOUT CAUSE TAKEN FROM 1996 ISASI SEMINAR PROCEEDINGS, posted at Investigation Research Roundtable April 1998.
Investigation Process Research Needs List. This work contains an expanding list of topics for research that I created on the IPRR web site, which I started in 1998. From 2003-to the fall of 2006, the list ideas were supplemented with additions culled from an on-line forum I ran at the IPRR web site. The list has not be edited since about 2007.
Benner, L., SYSTEM SAFETY ANALYSIS PITFALLS, Proceedings of the 15th System Safety Conference, Washington, DC September 13-17, 1997 Presentation slides available; see file.
Launched EXPERIMENTAL ON-LINE INVESTIGATION RESEARCH PROJECT on the web site in April 1997. Project floundered after considerable progress, due to differences among participants. See last status report.
Benner, L., INTRODUCTION TO INVESTIGATION , a companion guide to a video film with the same title, International Fire Service Training Association, Fire Protection Publications, Stillwell OK.1997
Benner, L. INVESTIGATING ACCIDENTS , , a companion guide to a video film with the same title, International Fire Service Training Association, Fire Protection Publications, Stillwell OK 1997
Benner, L. HAZMAT INVESTIGATION , a companion guide to a video film with the same title, International Fire Service Training Association, Fire Protection Publications, Stillwell OK 1997
Benner, L., FIRE INVESTIGATION , a companion guide to a video film with the same title, International Fire Service Training Association, Fire Protection Publications, Stillwell OK 1997
GENERAL HUMAN DECISION PROCESS MODEL FOR INVESTIGATORS Presents model and application instructions resulting from research into decision process models that might help investigators produce better investigations in human factors area. 1982 View model and application guidance (Posted June 17, 1997)
Rimson, Ira J. and L Benner, MISHAP INVESTIGATIONS: TOOLS FOR EVALUATING THE QUALITY OF SYSTEM SAFETY PROGRAM PERFORMANCE, Proceedings of 14th System Safety Conference, Albuquerque, NM 1996
Created and launched Pro Bono <bInvestigation Process Research Resource web site (IPRR) , a repository for the collection and dissemination of ideas and information about investigation process research. September 1996. Site includes over 300 indexed pages of materials and references to aid researchers and anyone else interested in more information about investigation processes. I continue to update it occasionally as worthwhile material (in my judgment) comes to my attention.
Benner, L., Investigation Process Planning model . Summary display of project to develop a Readiness Tree model for developing or assessing investigation programs. (1996) View model.
Rimson, Ira J. and Benner, L., PREVENTING FLIGHT CREW ERRORS: PRIMARY DATA MUST DRIVE ANALYSES Second Workshop on Flight Crew Accident and Incident Human Factors, June 12-14, 1996 FAA Office of System Safety Proceedings.
Benner, L., WORDS MEAN SOMETHING, International Society of Air Safety Investigators FORUM 26:3, September , 1995
Benner L. and Rimson, I. PARADIGM SHIFTS TOWARD EXPLOITING SUCCESSFUL HUMAN FACTORS INTERVENTION STRATEGIES TO PREVENT AIRCRAFT ACCIDENTS, Position Paper, Prepared for FAA Office of System Safety Workshop on Flight Crew Accident and Incident Human Factors, McLean, VA June 21-23, 1995.(pdf)
Created and launched Pro Bono Investigation Process Research Resources (IPRR) web site repository for the collection and dissemination of ideas and information about investigation process research in September 1996.
Benner, L., Investigation Process Planning model . Summary display of project to develop a Readiness Tree model for developing or assessing investigation programs. (1996)
Benner, L., INVESTIGATION PROCESS IDENTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION is a project undertaken to identify and classify categories of investigations addressed by the open literature. (1995)
Benner, L.RANKING SAFETY RECOMMENDATION EFFECTIVENESS, International Society of Air Safety Investigators, Proceedings of 1992 conference, Dallas TX (pdf)
Benner, L., MORT vs MES INVESTIGATOR TRAINING, (Privately distributed) prepared April 1992.(pdf)
Benner, L. and Rimson, I., QUALITY MANAGEMENT FOR ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS (in 2 Parts) International Society of Air Safety Investigators FORUM, 24:3, 25:1, OCTOBER 1991, FEBRUARY 1992
Benner, L., PROBLEMS WITH CAUSE (Guest Editorial on determination of cause), International Society of Air Safety Investigators forum, Volume 24:3 1991
Benner, L.,APPLYING SYSTEM SAFETY TO THE SAFETY RECOMMENDATION PROCESS, Slides of presentation at Proceedings of the 10th International System Safety Conference, Irving TX July 1991
Saams, J. and Benner, L. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR FIRE INVESTIGATIONS, presentation to Society of Fire Protection Engineers, FALL ENGINEERING SEMINARS, Miami, FL November 14, 1990
Benner, L, LOGIC AND LOGIC FALLACIES, International Society of Air Safety Investigators' forum, Volume 1, 1990 (pdf only)
Benner, L, SAFETY TRAINING'S ACHILLES HEEL Hazard Prevention, 26:1, 1st Quarter 1990
Benner, L., THE NEXT DECADE: MORE AND BETTER, opening address to 1989 Virginia Department of Emergency Services/Virginia Assn. of Hazardous Materials Response Specialists' fifth annual Hazards Materials Conference, Virginia Beach, VA September 28 1989
Benner, L., "PRINCIPLES OF SAFETY MANAGEMENT", presentation to Course on Occupational Health and Safety for Physicians and Safety Directors, McGill Institute of Management, McGill University, Ste Hilaire, Quebec Canada Sept.1988
Benner, L., FIRE RISKS IN CARLOAD/TRUCKLOAD TRANSPORTATION OF CLASS A EXPLOSIVES, Report to Department of Transportation, OHMT, Contract No. DTRS57-88-P-82656,, March, 1989
Lawton, R.L., Benner, L,. Clarke, R., Jensen, R., Adrion, A., and Maresh, J., THE DECIDE APPROACH TO TRAINING PILOTS IN PILOT DECISION MAKING, AOPA Air Safety Foundation, Frederick, MD, report presented to Third Annual Pilot Decision Making Conference, Ottawa, Canada Dec. 2-3, 1986 (pdf).
Hendrick, K.M., Benner, L. and Lawton, R. A METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE SEARCH FOR INDIRECT HUMAN ELEMENTS IN ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS,g f presented at Fourth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH April 29, 1987
Benner, L and Chapman, J.R., ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT METHODS FOR RAIL-HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING REGULATIONS, Transportation Research Board, January 13, 1987, Washington, DC.
Lawton, R.L., Benner, L,. Clarke, R., Jensen, R., Adrion, A., and Maresh, J., THE DECIDE APPROACH TO TRAINING PILOTS IN PILOT DECISION MAKING, AOPA Air Safety Foundation, Frederick, MD, report presented to Third Annual Pilot Decision Making Conference, Ottawa, Canada Dec. 2-3, 1986 (pdf).
Lawton, R., Clarke, R and Benner, L., TEACHING YOUR STUDENTS TO BALANCE RISK WHILE FLYING, Flight Instructor's Safety Report, AOPA, Frederick MD, January 1986
Hendrick, K.M. and Benner, L., INVESTIGATING ACCIDENTS WITH STEP, Marcel Dekker, 1986 New York, NY (490 p) ISBN 0-8247-7510-4
Benner, L. RATING ACCIDENT MODELS AND INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGIES, Journal of Safety Research, 16:3, Fall 1985 Chicago, IL
White L. and Benner, L. CORRECTIVE ACTION EVALUATION Proceedings of Seventh Intl.. System Safety Conference, System Safety Society July 1985
White, L. and Benner, L. ACCIDENT INVESTIGATORS HANDBOOK FOR CATEGORY I AND II INVESTIGATIONS, Minerals Management Service, Reston, Va. June 1984
Benner, L. NEW ROLES FOR INVESTIGATIONS, National Fire Protection Association 88th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La. May 1984
Benner, L. WHAT IS THIS THING CALLED A SAFETY REGULATION?, Journal of Safety Research, 14:4 Winter 1983
Benner, L. and Sweginnis, R. SYSTEM SAFETY'S OPEN LOOPS, Hazard Prevention, Nov. 1983
Benner, L. ACCIDENT MODELS: HOW UNDERLYING DIFFERENCES AFFECT WORKPLACE SAFETY, Proceedings of International Seminar on Occupational Accident Research, September 5-9, 1983, Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, Vol. 1 (Abstract)
Benner, L., SAFETY'S FUTURE SHOCK, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1983 DOE AND DOE CONTRACTORS OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY MEETING, VOLUME II, p 443. U. S. Department of Energy, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 19- 22, 1983
Benner, L., TUTORIAL ON ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, Minutes And Reports, 1982 Spring Meeting, American Petroleum Institute, Committee On Safety And Fire Protection, American Petroleum Institute, Tulsa, Oklahoma, March 31, 1982
Benner, L., System Safety Society White Paper #1, presentation to ALL DAY CONFERENCE, WASHINGTON D.C. CHAPTER OF THE SYSTEM SAFETY SOCIETY, Arlington (Crystal City), VA November 4, 1981
Benner, L., METHODOLOGICAL BIASES WHICH UNDERMINE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS, The International Society of Air Safety Investigators 1981 International Symposium, Sept 1981
Driver, E.T. and Benner, L., EVALUATING HAZMAT RESPONSES WITH TIME/LOSS ANALYSIS, Fire Journal, July 1981. The concept was developed further and published in Guide 7 of the MES Investigation Guides series.
Benner, L., MANAGING THE DISASTER SCENE, a presentation to Fire Service Personnel at Memphis TN, March 1981.
Benner, L., ACCIDENT PERCEPTIONS: THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR INVESTIGATORS, International Society of Air Safety Investigators FORUM, 14:1, 1981
Benner, L. and Hildebrand, M.S., Hazardous Materialas Management System:THE M.A.P.S. METHOD, The Robert J. Brady Co., Bowie MD, 1980See next entry.
Benner, L. and Hildebrand, M.S., Hazardous Materialas Management System: THE M.A.P.S. METHOD, INSTRUCTOR MANUAL, The Robert J. Brady Co., Bowie MD, 1980
Driver, E.T. and Benner, L., EVALUATING DANGEROUS GOODS EMERGENCY RESPONSE WITH TIME/LOSS ANALYSES, Proceedings of 6th International Symposium-Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, November 10-14, 1980, Berlin(West), Federal Republic of Germany to be posted soon
Benner, L., ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS: A CASE FOR NEW PERCEPTIONS AND METHODOLOGIES paper presented to the SAE and published in SAE/SP-80/461 1980. View paper presentation slides
Benner, L. and Rote, R., HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPILL MAPS: A NEW SAFETY INFORMATION RESOURCE, Loss Prevention, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Philadelphia, PA., June 10, 1980.
Benner, L., FOUR ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION GAMES: INSTRUCTOR MANUAL, Lufred Industries, Inc., Oakton, VA 22124, 1982. Introduction and Table of Contents on line
Benner, L., FOUR ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION GAMES: SIMULATIONS OF THE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION PROCESS, 2nd Edition, Lufred Industries, Inc., Oakton, VA 1982. .View Preface, Table of Contents and General Rules on line.
Benner, L., CRASH THEORIES AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR ACCIDENT RESEARCH, American Association For Automotive Medicine Quarterly Journal 1:1, January, 1979.
TE40 (L. Benner) NTSB Background briefing paper: Hazardous Material Emergency Response Network, Aug 3 1978
Benner, L., ACCIDENT THEORIES AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH, presented at the Joint International Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine and the International Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI July 10, 1978.
Benner, L., GENERATING HYPOTHESES TO EXPLAIN ACCIDENTS AND OTHER RARE EVENTS, Guest Editorial, Journal of Safety Research, 10:1, 1978.
Driver, W., and Benner, L., D.E.C.I.D.E. FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCIES, Presented Papers, Vol.II, Fifth International Symposium on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea and Inland Waterways, Federal Ministry of Transport, Federal Republic of Germany, Hamburg, 24-27 April, 1978
Benner, L., A PROGRESS REPORT ON RISK ANALYSIS, Division of Chemical Health and Safety, American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA March 22, 1977.
Benner, L., ACCIDENT THEORY AND ACCIDENT INVESTIGATORS, Hazard Prevention 13:4 1977.
Benner, L., HYPOTHESIS GENERATION IN RARE EVENTS RESEARCH, Workshop on Rare Events Research Methodologies, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg MD 1976. (NBS Special Publication 482)
Benner, L., HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCIES: PROGRAMMABLE!, presentation to National Fire Protection Association, 81st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC 1977.
Benner, L. and Hildebrand, M., HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCIES: A COMPLETED STUDENT WORKBOOK FOR USE BY INSTRUCTORS. Contains examples of completed student assignments for each of the 16 course units and Exercises in the HME text book. See books section.
Benner, L., HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCIES, the original text book containing process to think your way through the handling of hazardous materials emergency responses. 1976. View an Internet version with notes.
Benner, L, ACCIDENT THEORY AND ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, Proceedings of the Annual Seminar of the Society of Air Safety Investigators, Ottawa, Canada, 1975
Benner, L., D.E.C.I.D.E. IN HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCIES (reprint), Fire Journal, 69:4, July 1975. View paper with notations:
Benner, L., RISK, RESPONSIBILITY AND RESEARCH, Abstract of presentation to Symposium on the Interface of Government Safety Regulations and the Chemical Professional: I -the "Real-World" Aspects at 170th ACS National meeting Chicago, Illinois August 26, 1975 (download reprint - pdf file)
Benner, L., PREDICTING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY OUTCOMES, presented to Second International System Safety Conference, San Diego CA July 21-25 1975.
Benner, L., HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION: CURRENT AND FUTURE ISSUES, OSHA and Hazardous Materials Seminar, Greater Detroit Chamber of Commerce, Detroit MI March 6, 1973.
Benner, L., SAFETY, RISK AND REGULATION, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Forum, Vol. XIII No. 1, Chicago IL November, 1972 (PDF).
NTSB Special Study Risk Concepts in Dangerous Goods Transportation. I was the principal author of this study for the Board. View an Abstract or view the study. See also the Proceedings of a Conference about the study held by the Transportation Association of America. 1971-72
Special historical documents
A document tracing the development and adoption of a new paradigm for the safer handling of hazardous materials emergencies by emergency responders during the period 1968-1980 is posted here. .
Some unpublished papers on topics such as Time/Loss histories as an underused safety resource, some reflections on scientific method, and hazmat emergency response network talking points may be of interest to researchers.
One of my first assignments when I joined the NTSB was to develop a special study to examine risk concepts in dangerous goods transportation. That study, Risk Concepts for Dangerous Goods Transportation, of which I was the principal author for the Board, with major contributions from Henry Wakeland, was adopted in January of 1971. It can be viewed here and is also available through Google books. It was widely disseminated, discussed in numerous conferences and played a role in 1973 action by the US Congress in Title I of PL 93-633 where hazmat were defined as "...material in commerce posing an unreasonable risk..."
Special posting: The D.E.C.I.D.E./GEBMO Story + related documents
Unpublished papers on line
Benner, L. and Murphy M., LOSS HISTORIES: AN UNDERUSED SAFETY RESOURCE, 2003An extensive demonstration of the application of Time/Loss Analysis metrics for emergency response evaluations, with resultant findings.See also Guide for using T/LA.
Benner, L., ,REFLECTIONS ON SCIENTIFIC METHOD, course handout, USC ISSM 514, MS-Safety program, 1978.
Internal document for NTSB: Background Paper: Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Networkk, TE40 (L Benner) by Hazmat Div to provide talking points in support of an NTSB recommendation.
More to follow as they are digitized.